life stories

remembered... recounted... recorded!

Company history

Company history

I realized companies have their own life stories when I married a self-employed third generation master carpenter who had just taken over the family business. I found out soon enough that a company´s history and the life story of their manager are heavily entwined, especially in family businesses…

In 1995 I was asked to co-author the commemorative publication for the 90th birthday of my hometown´s soccer team, the SC Preußen Münster 06. Me of all people! I haven´t got the slightest knowledge of or interest in soccer. But the team´s history (at least in my eyes) turned out to be far more exciting than any match could ever be.

Since then I have not only stood on the sidelines but also in cow sheds, alongside welders, in clean rooms for medical products, at the carpenter´s plane and in many other companies and written a lot of company histories. I am fascinated by the insight into so many different fields, work areas and industries and the stories accompanying each sector and business.

I would love to write your company´s history as well!